(1946– 1969)

Gangaram Govind alias
Shri Babasaheb Gawde
On 30th March 1945, His Highness Lt. General Sir Jivajirao Shinde, Maharaja of Gwalior (Founder President), along with Shri G. G. alias Babasaheb Gawde (Founder General Secretary) a Senior Police official in British regime, laid foundation to Maratha Mandir, one of the most prolific charitable organizations in the country.
Shri. Babasaheb Gawde left his promising career to volunteer for the noble cause, to support the Founder President, in building this strong organization that would help the common people of this country to be self-sufficient and truly independent. The other prominent dignitaries who espoused for this cause were Flt. Lt. Shri Patangsha Mukne of Jawhar, Shri Narayanrao Kamte, the first Indian Inspector General of Police, of Bombay (Pre-Independence), Shri T D alias Dadasaheb More, Founder Secretary of MARATHA MANDIR.
One of the key contributors and the most eminent personality associated with MARATHA MANDIR was Adv. C J Sawant, Advocate General of Government of Maharashtra was associated as Hon. General Secretary of MARATHA MANDIR for 33 years.
Shri. Babasaheb Gawde left his promising career to volunteer for the noble cause, to support the Founder President, in building this strong organization that would help the common people of this country to be self-sufficient and truly independent. The other prominent dignitaries who espoused for this cause were Flt. Lt. Shri Patangsha Mukne of Jawhar, Shri Narayanrao Kamte, the first Indian Inspector General of Police, of Bombay (Pre-Independence), Shri T D alias Dadasaheb More, Founder Secretary of MARATHA MANDIR.
One of the key contributors and the most eminent personality associated with MARATHA MANDIR was Adv. C J Sawant, Advocate General of Government of Maharashtra was associated as Hon. General Secretary of MARATHA MANDIR for 33 years.

His Highness, Lt. Gen
Sir Jivajirao Maharaj Shinde
All these great minds had the vision to perceive that the forthcoming Independence by itself would not bring back the glorious past of India, with over 80% of its population living in rural areas without education. They recognized the need of the hour and set up a strong institution to educate the people, to make them aware of their rights, as well as what they can be and what they can do for the nation.
The founders named this institution as “MARATHA MANDIR.” The word “Maratha” for all those who consider Maharashtra as their domicile and the word “Mandir” to signify the purity in human life. In more than 7 decades, MARATHA MANDIR, has positively impacted several lives and created a benchmark in improving social, cultural and educational standards in the state of Maharashtra.
For 15 glorious years the Founder President, Sir Jiwajirao Shinde Maharaj and the visionary Hon. General Secretary Shri. Babasaheb Gawde, led the prestigious MARATHA MANDIR, providing broader horizons to the common citizens, irrespective of caste, creed and religion.
Today, with over 75 years of strong presence in imparting Quality Education, this Institution stands as a testimony of producing some of the finest and eminent personalities in the country.
The founders named this institution as “MARATHA MANDIR.” The word “Maratha” for all those who consider Maharashtra as their domicile and the word “Mandir” to signify the purity in human life. In more than 7 decades, MARATHA MANDIR, has positively impacted several lives and created a benchmark in improving social, cultural and educational standards in the state of Maharashtra.
For 15 glorious years the Founder President, Sir Jiwajirao Shinde Maharaj and the visionary Hon. General Secretary Shri. Babasaheb Gawde, led the prestigious MARATHA MANDIR, providing broader horizons to the common citizens, irrespective of caste, creed and religion.
Today, with over 75 years of strong presence in imparting Quality Education, this Institution stands as a testimony of producing some of the finest and eminent personalities in the country.
Office Bearers
PRESIDENT SHRI. SHARADCHANDRA GOVIND PAWAR Former Cabinet Minister of Food & Agriculture |
Shri. Vilasrao Bhaurao Deshmukh |
Shri. Deepak Bhaurao Deshmukh
Dr. Shivaji Abarao Bhosle | |
Shri. Dilip Arjun Chavan | |
Shri Rajendra Pratap Gawde | Shri. Chandrakant Mugutrao Khopde |
Shri. Yogesh Shashikant Pawar | Shri. Kishore Prabhakar Deshmukh |
Dr. Nitin Srikrishna Vichare | |
Shri. Pankaj Krishnakant Ghag |