Community service unit organised “Thanks giving day” on Friday. 16th August 2018. The objective of this programme was to thank people who are offering services to the society.
MMS students of Semester I & III celebrated thanks giving day by expressing gratitude towards society by visiting Agripada police station, Nair Dental Hospital & Nagpada Police Station and Disaster Management Civil Service Department and thanked them for the service that they are providing to the society. Students gave “Thanks you” handmade cards.
Students also celebrated the day in college premises by expressing thanks to faculty members, administration staff, librarian, security, peons, sweepers, and their class friends.
Learning outcome & feedback:
Students were happy and appreciated the culture of college since it takes into consideration events like thanks giving day that is a reminder to show appreciation for the good things, people and providential events in lives. At the end of the day students were of opinion that it was a wonderful event to express what you feel greatful about others.